Description Patron is a stunning gelding that has the entire world in his hands, with a mane that touches his shoulders and a thick platinum blonde tail. He is the absolute smoothest horse to ride, he just glides across the ground! Patron works a really pretty reining pattern with a solid foundation, the softest loper, very correct spins, and a big stop. He has effortless flying changes, even if you're riding bridle-less! He's comfortable around and working cattle and could easily be a top notch AQHA Ranch Riding horse. Having been on lots of trails, he's not phased by wild game, bridges, mountain bikes and crossing creeks. He's comfortable with ropes and has been used to pony colts. He has the sweetest personality and disposition always trying his best to do anything you ask of him. We've exposed him to tarps, flags, atvs and he handles it all with ease. He has a fancy pedigree sired by one of the NRHA's All Time Leading Sire Smart Like Juice by Smart Little Lena. Patron is a special horse that will make anyone smile just knowing he's waiting in the barn! Thank you for your interest in our horses! We look forward to the opportunity to work with you. We have helped literally hundreds of people in the past find the horse of their dreams, and we know we can help you find that perfect horse or pony for your needs. We…
Richard JacuzziJune 14, 2022
Whizes Do Come True aka “Watson”
Description Watson is a stunning, 5-year-old, dark bay gelding with tons of chrome. He is royaly bred by Whiz Van Winkle and being a grandson of Top Sail Whiz with Boogernic, Reminic and Smart Peppy Lena also all on his papers! Watson’s sire, Whiz Van Winkle, had an LTE of $108,965 with the NRHA. Watson stands 15.1 hands, weighs 1250 lbs and has beautiful conformation and looks likes just like his dad and maybe even a little more flashy! He is built very correct- with a deep shoulder and hip angle and strong back. He has a massive hip and great size of hoof and bone! Watson is a trained Reiner and has been shown in reining and ranch riding. He does all the reining maneuvers with ease and athleticism! He has an extremely soft and collected trot and lope. Watson has a great handle and travels very levelheaded. Watson has been used on the ranch to check fences and push cattle. Watson does a very nice job on the trails and is sure-footed on all terrain. He has also gone through extreme trail course obstacles like hanging taps and elevated obstacles with ease. Everybody in the barn loves to ride Watson, they feel perfectly safe on him and he gives them a lot of confidence. Watson definitely takes care of his rider. Watson was last shown in ranch at the AQHA Congress show and made it to the finals.…
Richard JacuzziJanuary 25, 2022
Cocktails At Seven
Description You'll fall in love with our sweet boy, Seven! This stunning gelding will quickly steal your heart with his big personality, gentle disposition, fabulous talent, and of course he’s America’s favorite color, Buckskin! Seven is sired by Wimpyneedsacocktail highest earning stallion by NRHA’s #1 leading sire, NRHA Hall of Fame, earner of $185,757 NRHA, Open Futurity Champion, and offspring earnings of $12 million plus in all disciplines, WIMPYS LITTLE STEP. Seven himself has 55 AQHA ranch points, was the IQHA ranch Futurity high money earner as a 3 year old, and was the Reserve Champion in reining at the Buckskin World show.. He circles beautiful with amazing speed control, has effortless lead changes, pretty spins and a big, smooth stop. Seven is an elegant mover with great direction and guides easily. He is a proven winner in Ranch Riding classes and Ranch Versatility events. New places and faces do not bother him, he’s cool as a cucumber. Seven is safe, sane and gentle for any level of rider. He has beautiful conformation and is the perfect size for the whole family. If you can get on him, you will be able to ride him. He’s very forgiving and wants to please his rider. He’s dependable and honest in all situations. Seven loves to cruise down the trails and is confident alone or quiet in a group. You can lead or follow, it doesn’t make a difference to him. Seven…
Richard JacuzziJanuary 22, 2022
Inspookable aka “Gator”
Description Gator is the type of horse people dream about owning! His sire, Inwhizable has won over $50,000 and has produced money earners exceeding 350k and he's out of a Spooks Gotta Gun mare on the bottom. Gator was started in a reining program and then transitioned to life on the ranch. He’s drug calves to the fire, has tons of natural cow, and knows how to work a rope. Gator is super laid back, consistent, and the type of horse you can confidently put any level rider on! He picks up both leads, lopes nice circles, can stop, and will spin a hole in the ground. He is so naturally talented that I think he could make a top end show horse. He wants to learn and already has more miles and buttons than a lot of 10 year olds. Gator has the brains, disposition, and talent to excel in just about anything. Gater is so much fun to be around and have in the barn, everybody loves getting to ride him! We've exposed him to everything in our program like flags, tarps, atvs, and nothing has phased him. Other Horse You may Like
Richard JacuzziMay 17, 2021
King Of Tinseltown aka “Tangle”
Description Tangle is absolutely the most beautiful gelding with a stout bulldog build, amazing color, and a long flowing blonde mane and tail to do for. Tangle's royal pedigree is impeccable and he portrays the good characteristics of his sire, Hollywoodstinseltown. He's out of a Shining Spark mare on the bottom so his breeding is impeccable. Tangle rides as good as he looks and is extremely versatile. He does everything! From reining, ranch work, cow work or just a fun, safe ride out on the trails this will be one that you will enjoy each and every ride. Always gentle, honest and easy going even with time off. Saddle him up and go enjoy! Tangle has been shown in the NRHA Reining. Tangle easily performs all the reining maneuvers with long sliding stops, snappy spins and easy lead changes. He would be fun to show in the Ranch Riding and Versatility events too. He has a super smooth jog and rocking chair lope. He has been ridden all over our ranch as well as many miles out on the trails. He's confident alone out on the trails and will go right where you point him. He is very sure footed and has a good outside walk. Tangle is a very people friendly horse that loves any kind of attention making him super fun and easy to have around the barn. If you want to go show, pleasure ride, or both,…
Richard JacuzziSeptember 13, 2021
Can You Handle Ruf aka “Rascal”
Description Astonishing dappled gray that will turn heads anywhere you take him. Rascal is a finished reiner and has competed at all the big shows in eluding the NRHA Futurity and the NRBC. He can plus his maneuvers and look amazing doing it! He's extremely laid back, and makes even beginner riders feel comfortable. He's an own son of top reining sire Not Ruf At All, with over 400k in earnings, NRHA Futurity Champion, NRBC Champion, and Derby Champion, he's one of the few Triple Crown winners. It takes top quality stallions and mares to produce quality horses like Rascal with great minds. Rascal could easily carry on in the reining world, our would make a fantastic ranch rider, heeler, or really anything you ould want to do with him. He's quiet, uncomplicated and just a joy to have in the barn. He loves people and attention, and will make an amazing addition to any family! Rascal is pretty special! Other Horse You may Like
Richard JacuzziMay 4, 2021
Colonel Ray Freckles
Description Ray is a rockstar! We love this charming, talented and handsome guy! It’s hard to find a gelding more versatile than him. He cuts, ropes, reins, trail rides, is a deluxe ranch horse that doesn’t mind anything! He’s ALWAYS gentle, quiet, and sane even with time off. He was started as a reiner and you can look at him and see that low headed effortless movement that everyone's looking for. Ray is super fun to drop your hand and go cut on. He’s athletic, talented and has a stylish look in front of a cow. Ray will turn heads anywhere you unload him! He has an impressive looking horse that demands your attention, but his personality is what makes him. He’s hands down what you want a gelding to behave like. He’s a perfect gentleman around the barn and he’s the type of gelding you will enjoy owning each and every day. He’s dependable, sure footed, and confident alone outside. Ray is ready to go show in ranch riding and ranch versatility events today or be a superstar trail horse or top notch ranch gelding. Ray checks all the boxes and you will have a hard time finding one like him! Ray has some of the greats in his pedigree like his grandsire Freckles Playboy, Colonel Freckles, Dry Doc and Poco Bueno. Other Horse You may Like
Richard JacuzziSeptember 1, 2021